Arithmetic (Preschool)

Arithmetic (Preschool)


Did you know, learning Math at a young age helps with problem-solving later on in life? The complexities of mathematics trains one to think critically and to come up with solutions which will be useful for solving practical problems in the future. But going to the daycare of your local nursery just isn't safe for children anymore. Good thing we bring our preschool tutors to you!

For children ages 7 and below, the presence of a guardian is required to help operate the gadget and assist the child for his or her physical needs. Then, through our assisted parent teaching, it will be as if your tutor is right there with you making sure that your child is learning and maximizing his or her full potential.


1 session = 1 hour +/- 5 minutes for starting and ending the session.


Give us at least 24 work hours to finalize your transaction. We will send you a message to the email address you provided. A link to book your first session will also be included. Please note that you're only allowed to book at least 7 days in advance to give time for our tutors to prepare for the best service. Thank you!