The Level Up Cause

We elevate lives

Level Up Academy is a social learning enterprise that aims to elevate lives by making education more accessible through our online education programs.

Everyone has something to share. And every person has a gift that has yet to be unlocked. 

Level Up Academy Online Learning Platform

We give educators-at-heart a platform to equip fellow learners with the tools and skills that will help them improve their lives. We also give learners a means to satisfy their learning goals so they can go on to achieve better things, be it in academics, career, or personal development.

Level Up in the pandemic

Since its founding in the beginning in the summer of 2020, Level Up Academy has provided educators-at-heart a means to earn and students a means to learn through our online academic assistance program.

This 2021, Level Up Academy will be launching our Sponsor-A-Scholar program, which allows paying students locally and internationally to sponsor the learning of a student from our partner foundations, and our Asynchronous Filipino Courses, which will help Filipinos learn skills such as investing, social media marketing, and programming so they may become more competent in today's ever-changing job market. 

It is Level Up Academy's goal to elevate the lives of all stakeholders -- educators, learners, and those who struggle to receive education.


Do you want to help elevate lives? Join our cause! 

Sponsor a student or share your knowledge